Liquid Analyzers

Liquid analyzers are used for monitoring process chemistry including water quality, providing process optimization and control. Common measurements include pH, ORP, conductivity, resistivity, percent concentration and dissolved oxygen.

Liquid analysis is essential for protecting capital assets including boilers and cooling towers, by preventing corrosion, minimizing maintenance, and maximizing uptime.

Yokogawa is a recognized world leader for reliable liquid analytical equipment, providing accurate and repeatable solutions for maintaining and controlling even the most demanding process applications with unparalleled ease of operation.

Liquid Analytical Sensor Wiring

YOKOGAWA Liquid Sensor Wiring GuideUse our Liquid Analyzer Sensor Wiring Guide to easily find the correct wiring for your liquid analyzer sensor.

Download the guide.

  • SENCOM™ SMART Digital Sensors

    Yokogawa’s SENCOM SMART Sensor Platform is an innovative analyzer platform that optimizes maintenance, reduces configuration time, and simplifies in-field maintenance and calibration.

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  • pH and ORP Analyzers

    pH and ORP meters, analyzers and transmitters are used for continuous process monitoring of pH and ORP to ensure water/product quality, monitor effluent discharge, batch neutralization, pulp stock, scrubbers, cooling towers, chemical, water/wastewater treatment and many other applications.

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  • pH and ORP Sensors

    pH electrodes and sensors are the sensing portions of a pH measurement. Various installation options including retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. Proper pH electrode/sensor selection is critical for optimal measurement results.

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  • Conductivity Analyzers

    Conductivity meters, analyzers and transmitters are used for continuous process measurement and monitoring of conductivity, resistivity, WIFI, demineralizer water, RO water, percent concentration, boiler blowdown and TDS.

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  • Conductivity Sensors

    Conductivity sensors and electrodes are used to measure process conductivity, resistivity, WIFI, demineralizer water, RO water, percent concentration, boiler blowdown and TDS. Various installation options including retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. Proper electrode/sensor selection is critical for optimal measurement results.

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  • Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers

    Dissolved Oxygen (DO) meters, analyzers and transmitters are used for continuous process measurement and monitoring of milligrams per liter (mg/l),parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb), or % saturation. 

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  • Dissolved Oxygen Sensors

    Dissolved Oxygen (DO) electrodes and sensors are the sensing portions of a DO measurement. There are three common technologies for dissolved oxygen measurements: polographic, galvanic and optical. Various installation options including floating ball, retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. 

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  • Turbidity Analyzers

    The TB820D is a next-generation digital Turbidity analyzer and connects to FLXA402T. TB820D turbidity analyzer equipped LED as a light source, flat window structure cell, new diagnostic functions, ultrasonic cleaning, etc., and they will reduce your maintenance time dramatically.

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  • Chlorine Analyzers

    You can find the best solution to meet the application needs, a non-reagent type chlorine analyzer for measuring free chlorine and a reagent type chlorine analyzer for measuring free chlorine or residual chlorine (total chlorine) are available.

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Vue générale:

Water Supply Treatment
FAST/TOOLS, STARDOM, Flowmeters, Liquid Analyzers

  • Bali's water treatment plant decided to employ the latest reliable control system in order to increase availability and quality of operation.
  • Centralized control system using FAST/TOOLS provides the sophisticated and flexible operation.
Notes Applicatives
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After extraction from sugar cane or sugar beets, juice must be purified to remove the many other organics and minerals that accompany it. The processing to accomplish this is heavily dependent on reliable pH measurement and control as illustrated.

Notes Applicatives
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Vue générale:

To facilitate the accurate measurement of pH, and its presentation as a scale, a range of "standard liquids" or "buffer solutions" are used. These liquids, whose constituents are accurately defined, have known stable values. Although in the preceding text the relationship to hydrogen ions has been made, research has shown, that the activity of hydroxonium ions (H30+) is more relevant.




Vue générale:

SENCOM- The Next Generation in SMART Liquid Analyzers

Yokogawa’s SENCOM SMART Sensor Platform is an innovative analyzer platform that optimizes maintenance, reduces configuration time, and simplifies in-field maintenance and calibration. Yokogawa is a recognized world leader for reliable liquid analytical equipment, providing accurate and repeatable solutions for maintaining and controlling even the most demanding process applications.

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