Versatile Data Server Software (VDS)

Versatile Data Server Software (VDS)

Versatile Data Server Software (VDS) is Web-based HMI/data server software that adds advanced architecture to the conventional HMI/SCADA functionality.

Simple, Secure Operation

  • Site statuses can be checked from anywhere
  • Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) PC for quicker maintenance at lower cost

Network Versatility to Handle Broad Range of Applications

  • Connectable to diverse devices
  • OPC server/client connections supported

Superb Operability with First-rate Safety

  • A wealth of functions to simplify operations

Concise Application Development Environment

  • Simple software structure
  • Object-oriented, efficient engineering

About OpreX

OpreX is the comprehensive brand for Yokogawa’s industrial automation (IA) and control business and stands for excellence in the related technology and solutions. It consists of categories and families under each category. This product belongs to the OpreX Control and Safety System family that is aligned under the OpreX Control category.



Simple, Secure Operation; Check the Site Statuses from Anywhere

VDS's graphic windows run on VDS Viewer (Java application), so just a personal computer and no special dedicated software can be used to access VDS running on site and grasp the site statuses and perform operations and monitoring anytime, anywhere.

HMI, operation and monitoring


Each client computer used to access VDS and perform operations is a thin client requiring no special dedicated software. The man-hours and cost needed for updating the operating system and dedicated software are thus greatly reduced, and the cost for purchase of HMIs is also cut because there's no need for special computers for process operations.

  • Quicker maintenance at lower cost
  • No special hardware and software for process operation required

Connectivity; Networking Versatility to Handle Broad Range of Applications

Connectable to Diverse Devices

VDS can easily link a variety of equipment including FCN and FCJ autonomous controllers, various suppliers' programmable logic controllers, temperature controllers, and power monitors, on an integrated network. Whether for factory or process automation equipment, VDS can handle various applications for production lines and manufacturing processes.

Autonomous Controller

By linking FCN and FCJ autonomous controllers featuring loop control and sequence control, a high-performance process control system can be built at low cost. 

Operation; Superb Operability with First-rate Safety

A Wealth of Functions to Simplify Operations

In addition to the graphic window presentation on a VDS Viewer, VDS also offers a host of functions to make operations easier.

Graphic Windows for Easy Visualization

VDS offers extensive graphic functions for building graphic windows that show the system at a glance, for efficient operation.

VDS Graphic Windows

Security for Operation

security for operation

VDS's security functions can restrict access to writing data, running a program, and so on, to protect the system against unauthorized users. VDS also records a log of the actions taken at the system as a detailed audit trail. Even when accessing an on-site system via a VDS Viewer, users must enter their user name and password for authentication.

Extensive Message Management Functions

Process alarms and user-defined messages can be viewed on the alarm summary display and announced using sound output in different ways depending on their importance, making them easy for operators to identify. These messages can be analyzed later on the historical message file and on a printout.

alarm summary display

Trend Package for Effective Use of Acquired Data

A trend graph of acquired and saved data can be pasted to a desired position on a graphic window so that the progression of data over time can be grasped. Trend data saved in VDS can also be exported to a CSV format file for preparing reports and in-depth analyses. 

VDS Trend data graphic

Architecture; Concise Application Development Environment

Simple Software Structure

To offer a concise environment for developing applications, maximize throughput and facilitate maintenance, VDS has a simple software structure and functions for managing users' own programs.

Hierarchical Software with Clear Functional Partitioning

From the functions for communicating with I/O devices to those for transferring the data on graphic windows running on VDS Viewer, VDS consists of a simple, hierarchical structure of functions.

simple software structure

Message and Process Management Included as Standard

Functions for managing alarms and messages, which are crucial in equipment and process operation, and process management functions to run and quit various programs, can be developed effortlessly using standard tools. There is no need to develop management programs using Visual Basic or other programming languages. 


Object-oriented, Effortless Engineering

Object-oriented engineering tools for all engineering tasks from defining I/O device connections and data acquisition specifications up to creation of graphic windows make application development that much more efficient.

Object Builder

Defining connections to I/O devices:
Simply select a proper driver for each I/O device to be connected and make basic communication settings such as an IP address. There's no need to write a troublesome communication program.

Defining data for operation and monitoring:
Simply define tags called control objects, set the method of acquiring their data (periodically, one-shot, etc.), and make auxiliary settings such as the scaling specifications. Control objects you defined can be grouped for reuse.

Graphic Designer

Graphic windows running on VDS Viewer can be created by simply pasting supplied graphic parts and specifying their actions.

Test Package, a Powerful Helper for Debugging

Optional Test Package features useful functions for efficient debugging during system configuration, including:

  • Simulation
    Enables function tests with the predefined simulated inputs without a target machine.
  • Device Monitor
    Enables the users to view and change the CPU statuses and internal device data of connected PLCs.
  • Trace Management
    Changes in data can be recorded with timed traces. 

Model List

VDS Basic Software License

VDS basic software is available in two versions. The full-time version has both development and runtime environments; the runtime version offers only the runtime environment. Use of the runtime version allows a cost-efficient system to be built. 

Name Model Description
Basic software license Full-time version NT610FJ Available in 8 types depending on the number of definable tags from 50 to 5000. Includes a license for the first HMI client (VDS Viewer) to access VDS.
Runtime version NT610RJ
Upgrade kit Full-time version NT620FJ Upgrades the basic software license by 1 rank to increase the number of definable tags.
Runtime version NT620RJ
Additional HMI client license NT625AJ License for increasing the number of HMI clients (VDS Viewer) that can access VDS concurrently.

Optional Software Licenses

The Report Package, Trend Package, Test Package, and Multi-task Package are individually available in two versions: full-time and runtime versions. Use of the runtime version allows a cost-efficient system to be built. For further details, please send the information requests to us. 


Name Model Description
Report Package Full-time version NT301AJ Helps create monthly, daily, lot, and simple batch reports. (Needs Microsoft Excel to run.)
Runtime version NT301RJ
Trend Package Full-time version NT302AJ Displays trend graphs of data acquired to VDS and saves them as historical data.
Runtime version NT302RJ
Test Package Full-time version NT303AJ Helps debugging by providing I/O simulation functions for debugging without a target machine, device monitor functions to monitor the connected PLCs' statuses, and more.
Runtime version NT303RJ
Multi-task Package Full-time version NT304AJ Enables intercommunication of signals with Visual Basic programs and exchange of array data in a PLC with Visual Basic programs.
Runtime version NT304RJ
Extended Security Package NT320AJ Provides the function of protecting operation file and password management.
OPC Data Link Package for .NET NT336AJ Enables data exchange between application developed with Visual Studio .NET and OPC server.
MELSEC Driver NT351AJ Driver for connecting MELSEC Series controllers from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
SYSMAC Driver NT356AJ Driver for connecting SYSMAC Series controllers from OMRON Corporation.
OPC Server Driver NT358AJ Driver for connecting a third-party, OPC DA2.0-compliant server.
DARWIN Driver NT365AJ Driver for connecting Yokogawa DARWIN Series units and DAQSTATION recorders.


Vue générale:
  • The STARDOM network-based control system and FA-M3 range-free controllers play an important role in smoothing out the supply of this power to the grid
  • STARDOM and FA-M3 ensure smooth supply of power to grid by wind farm equipped with large-capacity NAS batteries


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