17th Process Analytics Colloquium (PAT)

Les dates: sep 19 - 21, 2022
Endroit: Yokogawa office, Amersfoort, Netherlands
Site internet: https://dechema.de/en/PATColloq_2022.html

Process Planning - Process Development - Process Control - Process Optimisation

Process Planning - Process Development - Process Control - Process Optimisation

Process analytical technologies monitor and control industrial processes and guarantee the required product quality. Their tasks, their applications in industrial practice and their progress will be discussed at the 17th Colloquium Process Analytics in Amersfoort.

Two decades of trialogue in process analytics

The Arbeitskreis Prozessanalytik is the leading platform for topics in process analytics and process analytical technology (PAT) in the German-speaking area (DACH). It connects experts in a trialogue. Users, manufacturers and academia form an expert network with community character. The AK PAT shapes and informs through ad-hoc working groups. The AK PAT offers especially young analysts a professional entry into process analytics and its network.

Process analytics in Europe

Process analytical technologies determine the quality and efficiency of pharmaceutical, chemical and biotechnological production processes. The AK PAT asks: Where does PAT stand in Europe? Is there a European PAT? How do multinational companies harmonise? Is there a European PAT education? Is there a European perspective?

The AK PAT cordially invites you to discuss these and other topics at its colloquium.

The topics at the colloquium

The colloquium of the AK PAT offers best practice and success stories on sustainability and the circular economy. All-time favourites include updates on PAT and Data, Design of Experiments, Process Modelling, Data Architecture and Data Security. These topics will be addressed in the lectures and discussion sessions.

Innovations in real-time methods, multi-component PAT, miniaturisation and process analytics - from the laboratory to production - will be presented.

As always, the colloquium is the meeting place for prospective and established Trialogue experts and all those interested in PAT.
