About Shell Deer Park
Shell Deer Park is located about 20 miles east of downtown Houston, Texas. In 1941, Shell Chemicals Company formed the Deer Park Chemical Plant (DPCP). The assets of Deer Park Chemicals are managed and operated by Global Shell Chemicals.
Deer Park Chemicals consists of Aromatics unit (Benzene and Xylene), Light Olefins unit (Ethylene, Propylene, Butylene), Heavy Olefins unit (Isoprene, Butadiene, Piperylene), and Phenol unit (Phenol and Acetone). A wide range of products like aspirin, plastics, synthetic rubbers, tapes, paints, solvents, pesticides, dyes, detergents, perfumes, adhesives, etc., are manufactured using the chemicals produced from Deer Park Chemicals.
Challenges and Actions Taken
The hot side and cold side of the OP3 unit are operated without any major operational issues. However, the hot side of the OP3 unit was limited most of the time due to the furnace emissions (SOx, NOx, CO, etc.) were maintained high due to wrong calculations of emissions without flow and density compensations included. Because of this, feed cannot be pushed to the unit. The Pyrofrac, Compressor, Cold Box and the Separation sections were operating normal without any constraints. Honeywell TDC3000 is the control system used in the Deer Park Chemicals OP3 unit, and the existing hot side Advanced Process Control application of the OP3 unit was cutting feed to the unit due to high furnace emission constraints on the furnace.
Yokogawa precisely followed Shell’s methodology of project implementation, actively participated in technical discussions, and took responsibilities in executing the project with required support from Shell. This Controls Improvement Program is implemented on all the 12 furnaces available in the OP3 hot side with the objective being to calculate the CEMS calculation more accurately, allowing more feed to be pushed to the unit. With the emission calculations accurately calculated, the existing Advanced Process Control application is always operated in optimization mode which enabled more feed to be pushed to the unit until the furnace hits constraints on the emissions.
“…this resulted in maximizing the desired products and reducing overall specific consumptions on the unit”
The Controls Improvement Program implemented on the Deer Park OP3 unit helped to push more feed to the unit by operating the furnaces close to constraints. This resulted in maximizing the desired products and reducing overall specific consumptions on the unit.
“… furnaces returns a benefit of pushing 5.3% extra feed to the unit with a VIR of 750.”
Yokogawa assisted in the project implementation by providing design review, calculation modifications, pre-commissioning, training of operators and engineers, commissioning and post implementation review.
A post-implementation study estimated that the overall Controls Improvement Program implemented at Deer Park OP3 hot side furnaces returns a benefit of pushing 5.3% extra feed to the unit with a VIR of 750.
Customer Satisfaction
Shell Global Solutions and Deer Park Management were completely satisfied with the way the project was implemented and the results achieved.
Les usines chimiques s'appuient sur des processus de production continus et discontinus, chacun posant des exigences différentes en matière de système de contrôle. Un processus continu nécessite un système de contrôle robuste et stable qui ne tombera pas en panne et n'entraînera pas l'arrêt d'une ligne de production, alors que dans le cas d'un processus discontinu, l'accent est mis sur un système de contrôle qui permet une grande flexibilité dans les ajustements des formules, des procédures, etc. Les deux types de systèmes doivent être gérés en fonction de l'historique de la qualité du produit et être en mesure d'exécuter des opérations non routinières. Avec son large portefeuille de produits, ses ingénieurs systèmes expérimentés et son réseau mondial de vente et de service, Yokogawa a une solution pour chaque processus d'usine.
Les besoins des entreprises pétrochimiques sont extrêmement variés. Pour se démarquer sur le marché hautement concurrentiel d'aujourd'hui, les producteurs s'efforcent d'améliorer la qualité et la productivité. Yokogawa fournit des solutions sur mesure pour répondre à ces besoins en s'appuyant sur sa longue et vaste expérience dans ce domaine.