Yes, if you convert the parameters and user programs to YS1700 format. To convert from the old model, use the YSS1000 setting software.
- TI 01B08A02-08EN Replacement Guide SLPC -> YS1700 User Program Conversion
- TI 01B08A02-07EN Replacement Guide YS170 -> YS1700 User Program Conversion
Les produits et solutions liés
YS170 Single-loop Programmable Controller
The YS170 Single-loop Programmable Controller was discontinued on 1/01/2008. The YS1000 Series is a replacement product.
The YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller can be tailored for various applications by running a user program, and offers high reliability thanks to Yokogawa's proprietary technology, user friendliness, and expandability.
YS80 Series Auxiliary Units
It is a highly reliable YS80 series auxiliary units with abundant operation results since its release in 1981.
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