Eaux Industrielles
L'eau industrielle est utilisée dans toutes les installations industrielles telles que les centrales électriques, les raffineries et les usines pétrochimiques. La plateforme de contrôle unique de Yokogawa gère tous les traitements de contrôle de l'eau et des eaux usées intégrés au processus principal.


Automation Products

Solution-based Software

  • Operation efficiency improvement package:  Exapilot
  • Event analysis package:  Exaplog
  • Plant information management system: Exaquantum
  • Plant resource manager: PRM


  • SCADA : Fast/Tools
  • PLC & RTU: Stardom, FA-M3

Distributed Control System (DCS)

  • DCS: CENTUM VP     

Safety Instrumented System (SIS)

  • SIS: ProSafe-RS

Data Acquisition & Control Equipment

  • Paperless recorders : GX10/GX20, GP10/GP20, DL850E/DL850EV, XL120
  • Data acquisition equipment : SMARTDAC+ GX/GP series, Daqstation series
  • Temperature controller: UT Series Temperature Controllers
  • Digital indicating controller: UP Series Program Controllers, UM Series Digital Indicators with Alarms    
  • Single-loop controllers: YS1000 Series, YS80 Series

Field Wireless Products

  • Field wireless multi-function module: FN510
  • Field wireless multi-protocol module: FN310
  • Wireless differential pressure/pressure transmitter: EJX B Series
  • Wireless temperature transmitter: YTA510
  • Multi-input temperature transmitter: YTMX580
  • Field wireless management station: YFGW410
  • Field wireless access point: YFGW510
  • Field wireless media converter: YFGW610
  • Field wireless integrated gateway:  YFGW710
  • Versatile device management wizard: FieldMate

Field Instruments

  • Pressure: EJX, EJA series
  • Magnetic flowmeter: ADMAG series
  • Vortex flowmeter: digitalYEWFLO series
  • Coriolis mass flowmeter: ROTAMASS 3-series
  • Ultrasonic flowmeter: US300PM, US300FM
  • Temperature: YTA Series
  • Level transmitter: EJX, EJA series
  • Radar level meter: PULS60Y series
  • Guided wave radar level meter: FLEX80Y series
  • Ultrasonic level meter: SON60Y series

Liquid Analyzers

  • pH/ORP analyzer: FLXA402, FLXA202, FLXA21, SENCOM Series
  • Conductivity analyzer: FLXA402, FLXA202 , FLXA21
  • Turbidity analyzer: TB820D, FLXA402T,  TB400G
  • Dissolved oxygen analyzer: FLXA402, FLXA202, FLXA21
  • Chlorine analyzer: FC800D, RC800D, FLXA402T
  • MLSS analyzer: SS400
  • Liquid density analyzer: DM8


Vue générale:

You can measure and monitor integral flow (total and excess flow). You can also calculate the flow integral and excess usage with computation functions, and generate reports with the Report function. With the Excel template function, you can create templates in a desired report format for creating reports automatically.

Vue générale:

The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.

Notes Applicatives
Vue générale:

What is screen differential control? This is a control application commonly found at utility plants located on rivers, lakes and other large bodies of water and at industrial facilities where a large amount of cooling water is used. Screen differential control and monitoring is needed to prevent damage to rotating screens caused by excessive pressure being applied by debris collecting on the screens.

Notes Applicatives
Vue générale:

La configuration du transmetteur de niveau peut prendre beaucoup de temps. Les calculs requis pour déterminer les valeurs de plage correctes pour les transmetteurs traditionnels peuvent devenir complexes en raison de la disposition physique d'une application.

Notes Applicatives
Vue générale:

Fish perform all their bodily functions in water. Because fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed and grow, excrete wastes, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce, understanding the physical and chemical qualities of water is critical to successful aquaculture. To a great extent water determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.

Notes Applicatives
Vue générale:

Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant. Removal of these components is done by sending the sour water from the process to a stripping tower where heat, in the form of steam, is applied.

Vue générale:

By understanding what causes the difficulties in pH measurements and having the proper equipment, stable and accurate pure water pH measurement can be accomplished.


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