The Yokogawa Group conducts regular surveys of the chemical substances in currently registered parts and materials. Surveys are also conducted when an existing part or material is changed or discontinued, or when an entirely new part or materials item is adopted.
As part of these surveys, we contact the suppliers of the parts and materials.
Green Procurement
The green procurement of parts and materials by the Yokogawa Group is done in accordance with the Yokogawa Green Procurement Guidelines.
- Yokogawa Group Green Procurement Guidelines Version 5.0 (PDF: 107KB/11P)
- Chemical Substances Control List Ver.2.96-b (PDF: 1.3MB/22P)
For the latest information on SVHC, etc. under the EU REACH Regulation, visit the European Chemicals Agency website.
REACH SVHC List (PDF: 455KB/7P) - RoHS Exemption List Version 2.8 (PDF: 206KB/15P)
- Chemical Substances Control List Ver.2.96-b (PDF: 1.3MB/22P)
Chemical Substance Management
Regulatory Compliance
Obtain and manage information on chemical substances in products via supply chains, in order to comply with the duty to communicate information on substances of very high concern (SVHC) and with substance restrictions.
We manage all parts and materials by verifying RoHS compliance.
Rules for PBT chemicals under the U.S. TSCA
Yokogawa is continuing to work with its suppliers to comply with the prohibition of the manufacture, processing, and/or distribution in commerce of five PBT chemicals (decaBDE, PIP (3:1), 2,4,6-TTBT, PCTP, HCBD) and parts and products that include them. (The prohibitions of processing and distributing in commerce of PIP (3:1) will begin as of October 31, 2024.)
Yokogawa asks you for your continued understanding and cooperation on its related survey.
Other product-related regulations
Requirements for suppliers
- We will conduct the chemical substance survey by using our system. Therefore, please register to our system.
- We ask you to establish a chemical substance management system and to provide information (see below) on chemical substances contained in products upon our request.
- chemSHERPA
- Proof of EU RoHS compliance & non-use of Yokogawa prohibited substances
- Proof of EU RoHS non-compliance & non-use of Yokogawa prohibited substances
- Proof of non-use of US TSCA PBT five substances
- Miscellaneous
- Submit whatever guarantee documents are requested by Yokogawa.
- [Environmental Conservation Survey Document]
Responses under JAMP-AIS, JGPSSI Survey Response Tools ver. 3
Responses and disclosure of relevant material to JAMP-AIS and JGPSSI survey response tools ver. 3 (JGP format) have ended.