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Find a Yokogawa Office
Locate our Australia offices with mailing address, phone, fax and maps at a glance, including countries such as Auckland, Christchurch, Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

Yokogawa Australia Pty. Ltd.
Level 3, 66 Waterloo Road
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113
Phone: +1300 558 965
Phone (International): +61 2 8870 1100
Fax: (61)-2-8870-1111
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
New South Wales
Sydney Office
Level 3, 66 Waterloo Road
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-2-8870-1111
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Newcastle Office
Level 3, 426 King Street,
Newcastle West, NSW 2300
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-2-4016-2111
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Brisbane Office
Level 2, 389 MacArthur Avenue,
Northshore Hamilton, QLD 4007
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-7-3899-6988
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Townsville Office
54 Blackwood Street,
Townsville, QLD 4810
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-7-3899-6988
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
South Australia
Adelaide Office
Level 3, 100 Pirie Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-8-8415-2611
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Melbourne Office
Level 1, 211C Wellington Road
Mulgrave, VIC 3170
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-3-8804-8811
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Western Australia
Perth Office
Unit 1, 115 Belmont Avenue,
Belmont, WA 6104
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-8-6141-7067
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Northern Territory
Darwin Innovation Hub
Level 1, 48-50 Smith Street Mall
Darwin NT 0800
Phone: +1300 558 965
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com

New Zealand
Yokogawa New Zealand Limited
Unit 1H, 5 Ceres Court,
Albany, Auckland 0632
Phone: +0800 706050
Fax: (64)-3-348-0366
Email: nz.enquiries@yokogawa.com
New Zealand
Auckland Office
Unit 1H, 5 Ceres Court,
Albany, Auckland 0632
Phone: +0800 706050
Fax: (64)-3-348-0366
Email: nz.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Christchurch Office
16B Sheffield Crescent
Burnside, Christchurch 8053
Phone: +0800 706050
Fax: +64 (0)3 348 0366
Email: nz.enquiries@yokogawa.com
PNG & Pacific
Papua New Guinea / Solomon Islands / Vanuatu
Please contact Yokogawa Australia Brisbane Office
Level 2, 389 MacArthur Avenue,
Northshore Hamilton, QLD 4007, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-7-3899-6988
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
Please contact Yokogawa Australia Sydney Office
Yokogawa Australia Pty. Ltd.
Level 3, 66 Waterloo Road
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +1300 558 965
Fax: (61)-2-8870-1111
Email: au.enquiries@yokogawa.com
New Caledonia
Please contact NEGOPAC
20, rue du général Mangin
98 800 Noumea, New Caledonia
Phone: +687 851 751, +687 74 00 51
Email: fred@negopac.com, aymeric-ext@negopac.com
Test & Measurement Distributors
All enquiries for Yokogawa Test & Measurement Products are handled by our appointed distributors
New South Wales, ACT & Queensland
Rapid-Tech Equipment
Phone: (61)-2-9600-6120
Rapid-Tech Equipment
Phone: (61)-3-9763-3299
New Zealand
Please contact your nearest Yokogawa New Zealand Office
Yokogawa New Zealand Limited
Auckland Office
Unit 1H, 5 Ceres Court,
Albany, Auckland 0632
Phone: +0800 706050
Christchurch Office
11B Sheffield Crescent,
Burnside, Christchurch 8053
Phone: +0800 706050
South Australia
Triple Point Calibrations Pty Ltd
Phone: (61)-8-8231-3455
Western Australia
Leda Electronics Pty Ltd
Phone: (61)-8-9248-6688
Process Control Instrumentation Distributors
For Process Control Instrumentation Products please contact your local Yokogawa office or our appointed distributor for your area
Illawarra (NSW) Area
Illawarra Industrial Instrumentation
6 Waverley Drive,
Unanderra, NSW 2526, AUSTRALIA
Phone: (61)-2-4222-1555
Fax: (61)-2-4222-1566
Email: admin@iii.net.au