Corporate Social Responsibility

Yokogawa Australia and New Zealand proudly supports local charities in our region, believing in the importance and value of giving back to our community.  

In 2017 Yokogawa Global released a statement of its aspiration for sustainability. One of our key corporate goals is to ensure wellbeing for all, by making the world a better, safer place for future generations.

Funding, provision for research, and support efforts to local community from business, makes an impact we can be proud of.  Yokogawa currently support three charities (chosen by our staff) through monetary donation, annually.  Below is a brief summary of our groups’ chosen charities and foundations found very close to our hearts.


The Starlight Children’s Foundation’s mission is “to brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families".  

Starlight helps sick children forget their illness and re-discover the joy of childhood. The aim is develop programs based on positive psychology principles that support the 'total care' of our children and teens. Starlight allows sick kids to be simply kids.


Cancer Council’s mission is to create a cancer free future.

Sadly cancer affects so many people these days so the aim of the Cancer Council is to use donated funds to undertake and fund cancer research, prevent and control cancer and provide information and support for people affected by cancer.



