DX1000N mit herausnehmbaren Chassis

Anlagen- und Kontrollraumanwendungen erfordern eine zuverlässige Aufzeichnung und Überwachung. Anwendungen für Anlagen und Kontrollräume müssen nicht nur zuverlässig Daten erfassen, sondern auch schnell und unkompliziert gewartet werden können. Der DX1000N von Yokogawa ist für Anwendungen im Nuklearbereich qualifiziert und wird weithin in Anlagen und Kontrollräumen eingesetzt.

Der DX1000N bietet industrieführende Zuverlässigkeit und Messgenauigkeit. Dank des abnehmbaren Chassis kann das Gerät schnell und einfach gewartet werden. Auf diese Weise lassen sich Ausfallzeiten reduzieren. Verbinden Sie den DX1000N ganz unkompliziert mit Ihrem Netzwerk und übertragen Sie Ihre Daten direkt in Ihre vorhandene Infrastruktur.


Der neue DXAdvanced DX1000N ist mit einem inneren Chassis ausgestattet, das über die Frontabdeckung des Instruments aus dem Gehäuse entnommen werden kann. So erhalten Sie Zugang zu allen inneren Komponenten des DX1000N über das Steuerpult, ohne dass Sie auf die Rückseite des Instruments zugreifen oder die Feld- oder Spannungsversorgungsverkabelung verändern müssen. Die Funktionalität, die Optik und die Abmessungen des Abdeckungsausschnitts entsprechen dem Standard-DX1000.

Grundlegende Funktionen

  • Bis zu 12 Eingangskanäle
  • Start/Stopp der Aufzeichnung pro Batch und Erstellung von Datendateien
  • Erweiterbar mit der automatischen Verbindungsfunktion des MW100
  • Interner Speicher erhöht auf 400 MB
  • Ermöglicht die Kontrolle der Kalibrierungskorrekturplanung [R4]
  • Erstellt automatisch vorlagenbasierte Excel-Spreadsheets [R4]

Anzeige und Bedienung

  • Ordnen Sie die Anzeige mit der benutzerdefinierten Anzeigefunktion ganz nach Belieben an!
  • Zeigen Sie historische Daten mit der Kalendersuchfunktion nach Datum und Uhrzeit an


  • Standard-Ethernet-Schnittstelle
  • Unterstützt PROFIBUS-DP- und EtherNet/IP-Protokolle!
  • Erweiterte Web- und Netzwerkbetriebsfunktionen!

Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit

  • Konformität mit FDA CFR21 Part 11 dank erweiterter optionaler Sicherheitsfunktion [R4]
  • Staub- und spritzwassergeschützte Frontabdeckung (IP65- und NEMA4-konform)
  • Hochzuverlässiger interner Speicher mit Fehlerkorrekturfunktion
  • Frontabdeckung verriegelbar mit Anmeldefunktion


  • Software für vielfältige Aufgaben einschließlich Analyse, Einstellungen und Datenerfassung



DAQManager DX250 (separat erhältlich)

Datenmanagement-Software für papierlose Datenrecorder

DAQManagerDAQManager ist ein Software-Programm, das Ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, gemessene Daten von papierlosen Datenrecordern der Serien Daqstation und MVAdvanced auf einem PC zu verwalten. Sie können in den DAQManager geladene Daten schnell und einfach nach Datum/Uhrzeit, Tagname, Batchname und anderen Kriterien suchen. Auf verschiedenen Instrumenten und in verschiedenen Intervallen aufgezeichnete Kanäle könne in demselben Trenddiagramm angezeigt werden.

* DAQManager unterstützt keine Modelle mit der optionalen erweiterten Sicherheitsfunktion (/AS1).

  • Indexierung ermöglicht schnelle Suchen
  • Verschiedene Diagramme
  • Einfaches Laden und Importieren von Daten
  • Automatische Datenzusammenführung

DAQStudio DXA170 (separat erhältlich)

Software zur Erstellung benutzerdefinierter Bildschirme

Mithilfe der Entwicklersoftware können Sie benutzerdefinierte Anzeigebildschirme an einem PC bearbeiten und erstellen. Sie können Layout-Daten senden und empfangen und Objekte ganz einfach bearbeiten und erstellen.

  • Senden/empfangen Sie Layout-Daten für Objekte benutzerdefinierter Anzeigebildschirme (über Ethernet oder CF-Karte)
  • Zeigen Sie benutzerdefinierte Anzeigebildschirme an, erstellen Sie neue Bildschirme und bearbeiten Sie bestehende Bildschirme
  • Speichern/laden Sie Einstellungen und bearbeitete Datendateien



DAQSTANDARD ist ein in DXAdvanced enthaltenes Standardsoftwarepaket. Sie können dieses Paket nutzen, um durch das DXAdvanced-Gerät gespeicherte oder über FTP übertragene historische Datendateien auszudrucken oder erneut anzuzeigen.

DAQWORX (separat erhältlich)

DAQWORX ist eine Datenerfassungssoftware-Suite, die Aufzeichnungsgeräte, Datenerfassungsinstrumente und Messinstrumente von Yokogawa integriert.


DAQEXPLORER ist ein spezielles Softwareprogramm für DX, CX und MV und bietet zusätzlich zu den DAQSTANDARD-Funktionen eine Kombination aus Dateiübertragung, PC-basierter Überwachung und anderen Funktionen. Die Software bietet einen unkomplizierten Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von DXAdvanced-Netzwerkbetriebsfunktionen.

Funktionen und Vorteile

DAQWORX bietet Benutzern die Möglichkeit, ein Datenerfassungssystem mit Aufzeichnungsgeräten, Datenprotokollierungsgeräten, Temperaturreglern und Messinstrumenten von Yokogawa ganz ohne Programmierung zusammenzustellen. DAQWORX erweitert die Funktionalität, indem es ein integriertes Datenerfassungssoftwaresystem bietet, das Kunden die Möglichkeit gibt, hochwertige Software mit ihren bestehenden Datenerfassungssystemen zu verbinden und so den Bereich der unterstützten Anwendungen zu erweitern.

Integriertes Paket

  • Integriert Aufzeichnungsgeräte, Steuergeräte und Messinstrumente

Produktspezifisches Paket

  • Macht das Beste aus jedem Produkt
  1. DAQ32Plus (für die Darwin-Serie)
  3. DAQEXPLORER (für DX, CX und MVAdvanced/MV)

Gemeinsame Software

  • DataBrowser

Datenerfassungssoftware GA10 (separat erhältlich)

Eine Datenerfassungssoftware, die die gleichzeitige Nutzung von Ethernet- und serieller Kommunikation ermöglicht. Eine Mischung aus DXAdvanced- und DARWIN-Datenerfassungsgeräten und uR-Aufzeichnungsgeräten kann kombiniert werden (insgesamt 100 Geräte), um Daten aus 2000 Kanälen zu erfassen.



The paperless recorder DX series automatically calculate the Fo value from the heating temperature and are useful in managing the sterilization process by displaying and recording the value together with the heating temperature.


The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.


The paperless recorder DX series instruments allow you to determine temperature and humidity, and manage the results as manufacturing and quality data at a reasonable cost with a simple configuration.

Does the product support FDA 21 CFR Part 11?
The DX series does with the advanced security option (suffix code /AS1).
Yes, you can use the Advanced security option (suffix code: /AS1) and the Multibatch function option (suffix code: /BT2) together.
Yes, you can use the PROFIBUS-DP communication option (suffix code: /CP1) and the Advanced security function option (suffix code: /AS1) together.
The pulse input option (suffix code: /PM1) includes the MATH function option (suffix code: /M1). By adding the pulse input option, you can also use the MATH function. It is not necessary to add both options together.
Can I change SNTP settings during data acquisition?
No. When changing settings, data acquisition stops.
The pulse input option (suffix code: /PM1) provides 3 dedicated pulse inputs plus 5 remote control common terminals for a total of 8 acquisitions. Integral values can also be calculated on individual MATH channels.
Yes. You can change it to Japanese, English, German, French, or Chinese.
There are 8 input terminals. They are of the non-voltage contact and open collector types. The signal types are level and edge (250 ms or higher).
Can I customize display screens?
Yes, with R3 (release 3). With DAQStudio (DXA250) screen editing software, you can easily create custom display screens.
Yes. However, the DX1000/DX1000N requires the MATH function option (suffix code: /M1), and the DX2000 requires the expansion channel function option (suffix code: /MC1) or the MATH function option (suffix code: /M1).
Can I increase the number of inputs above 48 ch?
You cannot increase the number of input terminals. However, you can load data acquired on other instruments such as the MW100 onto the DX via communications.
Yes. Adding the RS-422/485 communication interface option (suffix code: /C3) makes the DX a Modbus/RTU subordinate, enabling communications with Modbus master devices. Note that making the DX the Modbus master requires the MATH function option (suffi...
Are there safeguards against data tampering?
Saving measured data in binary format prevents it from being tampered with.
Even when the advanced security option (suffix code: /AS1) is running, PROFIBUS communication can proceed without restriction. No login via ID or password is required.
Yes. With the user login function, you can set operations for each user.
When using the Multibatch function option (suffix code: /BT2), you cannot change the range even if group 1 is recording, regardless of any other options. However, you can edit alarm settings during recording.
Yes, the internal memory is non-volatile memory, therefore the data just before the power failure is saved. When the instrument recovers from a power failure, data acquired just before the power failure are saved as files to internal memory. Also, da...
Yes. For details, see "Event Action Function " and "Remote Control Function " in the user's manual. DX1000 user's manual DX2000 user's manual ...
Yes. However, this requires the MATH function option (suffix code: /M1) on the unit that is displaying (recording) data.
Yes. The communication port used by Modbus is different than the one that can acquire instantaneous values, so simultaneous communication is possible.
Yes. You can also display communication input channels, MATH channels, and expansion channels.
When the FTP server gets file transfer requests from multiple DXs or other instruments, it cannot handle all of those requests at once. This setting delays the transfer times to avoid errors.
For best results, we recommend replacing the built-in lithium battery every 10 years. Note that battery replacement should be performed by a trained Yokogawa technician. Please contact your nearest dealer or Yokogawa representative.
This function allows you to control periodic entering of settings for the calibration function option (suffix code: /CC1). When you enable the calibration function, a screen appears that displays the calibration due date in advance (the calibration n...
Yes, this is possible by adding the remote control function option (suffix code: /R1) and using the event action function. Note that you can also automatically save data to the CF card while recording is stopped.
Yes, when the FTP server is ON.
No. Due to reliability issues with recording media, you can only save data automatically onto the CF card. The USB memory is only intended for temporarily transferring data files.
Insert the CF card into the PC and move the data file to the PC hard disk. You can view the data file saved on your PC with the DAQSTANDARD software that comes standard with the DX.
Only CF card is included. Card adapter is not included. The CF card can be used by inserting it directly into the main unit.
When using the function that always keeps the latest data file on the card (Media FIFO) and the number of files in the same directory exceeds 1000, CF card deletes the old data file and saves new one even if there is free space on the card.
Yes. When there is 10% of free space or less, the CF card icon on the upper part of the display turns from green to red.
There may be a problem with the CF card. Try the following. Eject, then reinsert the CF card. Replace the card. Reformat the card on the DX.  
Can I eject the CF card during recording?
Yes, if the CF card is not being accessed. To eject it, press the Func key, then select Eject media > CF.
Yes, the following: 772093: 512 MB 772094: 1 GB 772095: 2 GB  
It is TYPE1.
When the CF card becomes full, files continue to be created in the internal memory. The files created in internal memory are also transferred via FTP.
Is report data saved on the CF card?
As with recorded data, files are saved to the CF card after being created in internal memory if the auto save function is ON. Hourly reports are saved every hour, and daily reports are saved every day.
DAQSTANDARD is composed of 2 programs. Viewer: You can display measured data as trends or numeric values, and print them. Plus, binary data files can be exported to ASCII or Excel format. Hardware configurator: You can create settings files for a...
Can I display and analyze recorded data on a PC?
Yes, by using the DAQSTANDARD software that comes standard.
The following printed materials are included: “Managing Product Waste,” and “Open Source Software Specifications.” A CD with other user’s manuals and the DAQSTANDARD software are currently not included. (Separately purch...
Is a warranty card included?
The warranty is handled with the DX serial number, so a printed warranty card is not included. The warranty period is one year from date of purchase.
To create them on a PC you will need the DXA170 DAQStudio custom display builder software, sold separately. You can create them by using keys on the main unit, but it is much easier by using DAQStudio. DAQStudio Product Page ...
Please see the following. List of validated compact flash (CF cards)
I cannot open data files in DAQSTANDARD.
You may have an older version of DAQSTANDARD. Consider upgrading to the latest version. You can download the latest version by using the following link. DAQSTANDARD download page *Log-in Required ...
They are "AUTH PLAIN " and "AUTH CRAM-MD5. " AUTH-LOGIN is not supported.
Yes, you can adjust it directly on the main unit even during recording. If you adjust the time during recording, the acquired data is time-stamped with the new time.
The following conditions must be met in order for the data list to appear in the web server screen. The FTP server must be turned ON. Login via communication must not be set. Note that the data list never displays on models with the advanced se...
You can set the number of password retries to 3, 5, or unlimited (default is 3). When the number of retries is exceeded, the unit is locked. Service is required to clear the lock, so please manage user IDs and passwords with care. Note that if 1 unit...
  Connect the PC and DX via a hub. If the connection is working, the Link LED on the PC, hub, and DX should all light. Check the PC's IP address and subnet mask using the ipconfig command. Check the DX's IP address and subnet mask i...
For terminal wiring, see the section on grounding and wiring in the operation guide. DX1000 Operation Guide DX2000 Operation Guide The diameter of all the screws is 4 mm. DX1000 Operation Guide DX2000 Operation Guide   ...
Yes, by using the accessory software DAQSTANDARD (model DXA120). See chapter 3, "Viewing Recorded Data " in the operation guide. For further details, see the viewer's user's manual. DXA120 user's manual ...
No, but the creation of the report restarts after recovery from the power failure. The operation is different depending on whether the recovery time is before or after the report creation time has elapsed. For details, see "Special Data Handling...
The DX has two kinds of files, DISP (display data) and EVENT (event data). You can tell which type the data is by looking inside the blue band in the upper part of the screen. In the case of (2) DISP (display data), the sampling interval changes i...
Yes. With DAQManager, you can specify the folder containing the recorded data files as the auto-import destination, then set it for automatic conversion to Excel. Note that this is not supported with addition of the advanced security option (suffix c...
You can receive settings by using the user management "Monitor" function specific to advanced security. The Monitor function enables up to 2 connections. When 2 Monitor functions are connected on the network, you can receive settings. ...
Yes, note that the passwords in the account information will be initialized.
Yes, by printing the settings from the DAQSTANDARD (accessory software) hardware configurator. For details, see section 1.5, "Printing Setup Data" in the DAQSTANDARD hardware configurator user's manual. DAQSTANDARD user's manual ...
We have a special license number available in case of lost licenses. See the following URL. Universal keys in case of lost licenses *Log-in Required
You can use the Windows telnet command. Click Start > All programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. At the command prompt, type "telnet. " Given a DX IP address of "," type the following (the port number is...
Communication could not be established with the FTP server. You can check details on codes in the FTP log screen. In the FTP log screen, while DX1000/DX2000 is running, press the DISP/ENTER key. In the operation menu on the left side of the screen, m...
Yes, turn ON the media FIFO function. If the CF card does not have sufficient free space, or if there are 1000 files or more, old files will be overwritten with new ones. For details on the media FIFO function, see Explanation of functions: Data Sav...
Yes. Select a trigger mark with the cursor, then click Edit > Delete Mark. For details, see section 2.2, "Displaying Waveforms " in the DAQSTANDARD Viewer user's manual. User's manual download   ...
If assigned to multiple channels, display the trip line of the active waveform. Click the color bar on the left side of the viewer, and activate the waveform of the channel on which you set the trip line.
For DAQSTANDARD software licenses, see "Terms and Conditions of the Software License" in the user's manual. The number of licenses is 1. To use multiple PCs, download SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer. ...
It is possible that the user has expired and the password has returned to the default, or some similar problem. See section 2.10, "Signing Batch and Continuous Data" in DXA120 DAQSTANDARD Viewer User's Manual. ...
Some commands are sent in units of words. This always results in an even number of bytes. But if you send the command "FD0,1,1CRLF", for example, that is an odd number of bytes (9), and the 10th byte which follows CRLF will be populated wit...
Can I use encrypted USB memory?
No. Encrypted USB memory is not supported.
After starting with a remote signal, if you press stop, a confirmation message appears. If you select to stop recording, it stops. If you use key lock on the stop key, recording won't stop even if you accidentally press the stop key during record...
No, but you can with the SMARTDAC+ universal viewer. The SMARTDAC+ universal viewer supports data from the DX and MV series, and is available for free download from our Web server. SMARTDAC+ Standard Universal Viewer download page *Log-in Required ...
You may be using an older version of DAQSTANDARD Viewer. Please download the latest version of DAQSTANDARD (DXA120) *Log-in Required from our website.
Please download the latest version of DAQSTANDARD (DXA120)* from our website. Also, if you lost your license number, please see "Universal keys in case of lost licenses."* *Log-in Required ...
Yes. If you narrow the lower and upper-limit values, change the lower and upper-limit values of the span accordingly.
In the input range settings, you can add a specific value in the same manner as a bias setting by selecting a scale. Ex) Set a thermocouple Type-K span of 0-100 DEGC. To display the temperature 0.5DEGC higher, set the following in the input range set...
The DX1000/DX2000 can save measured data in binary format. You can convert saved measured data to ASCII (CSV) format using DAQSTANDARD Viewer.
There are two locations, one on the front and one on the back. On the front, it's inside the front panel door next to the CF card slot. On the back, it's next to the Ethernet interface.
With the DX1000, you cannot use communication channels. On the DX2000, use communication channels C33–C60 (with the MATH option /M1, you can't use C01–C32).
The conditions under which an overrange occurs depends on the input range mode settings. For details, see the note under "Digital Display" in section 1.3 of the User's Manual. ...
Yes, press the DISP/ENTER key, and then select [INFORMATION] > [MODBUS CLIENT]. In order for [MODBUS CLIENT] to appear in the screen menu, you must configure it in the menu customization function. See "Checking the Modbus Operating Status&quo...
In the user registration screen, first set the default password. The first time you log in, enter the default password. The message, "Your password has expired. Key in your new password" appears, and you can enter a new password. For more i...
In the User's Manual, see section 2.12, "Using the USB Flash Memory (/USB1 Option)" and see "Saving the Data" in section 4.8, "Using the Memory Summary." ...
See "Dealing with the Invalid User Status" in section 2.2, "Logging In and Out" in the advanced security function (/AS1) user's manual. If all system administrator passwords are invalidated, please contact your Yokogawa servi...
RTD measurement with the BARD-700
Q: With RTD input, the input source resistance is described in section 13.6, “General Specifications” of the user manual as: “10Ω or less per wire (the resistance of all three wires must be equal).” I'm using the BAR...
The data is saved automatically to the CF card (with the extension, DAR). You can display it on a PC using DAQSTANDARD.
This will be the same as the switch specifications in the operation guide. No /P1 option: Steady-state current rating 1 A or highter, inrush current rating 60 A or higher. With /P1 option (with 24 VDC/AC power supply): Steady-state current rating 3 A...
The measurement accuracy of the 1-5V range is ±(0.05% of rdg+3 digits), and the maximum digital display resolution is 1 mV. Formula becomes "measurement accuracy during scaling (digits) = measurement accuracy (digits) × scaling span...
One RJC temperature sensor is included with each input terminal block.
The blue values are the maximum/minimum values at the cursor. The black values are the maximum/minimum values of the entire display area.
During memory sampling, you can use key operations to save data or event data. In Operation mode, press the FUNC key, then press Save display or Save event soft key.
With memory sampling output, the relay is energized on memory start, and deenergized on memory stop. With the output device information on memory stop setting, the relay is energized when you stop memory sampling. These actions cannot be changed. ...
Yes. Choose Sqrt for the input range mode.
To set the scan interval, press MENU (to switch to setting mode), hold down FUNC for 3 seconds (to switch to basic setting mode), and select the Menu tab > A/D, Memory. For details, see section 3.1, “Setting the Scan Interval and the Integra...
0% and 100% are the lower and upper limits of span, which is the display range. The boundary value is the position on that range, expressed as a percentage, that divides the compressed and expanded display areas.
The procedure you mentioned can only show historical trends of display data. It won't work with event data.
Under Setting menu > Measurement channel > Zone scale bar graph, you can set the scale position and number of divisions for each channel. Set the scale positions separately for temperature and pressure. If the scales of multiple channels are se...
When you select “Day,” the daily data from each day is added to the report files up to the previous day. In one month, the daily report file is completed. When you select H+D, a report file is created starting from the daily data of the r...
The keyword for tag no. is “ChId.” Please check the keyword again.
Parameters are written in the order: report type; report channel number; start date/time; and end date/time. The report type and channel number cannot be omitted, but you can omit the start and end date/time.
If there are multiple keywords in a single cell, only the first keyword is valid. In your case, you'll need to use separate cells.
In Basic Setting mode, change the Tag No. Use/Not setting to Use. You can find the procedure in section 5.2, “Displaying Tags or Channel Numbers” of the user's manual (IM 04L41B01-01E). ...
Q: In Basic setting mode, I set the Tag No. Use/Not setting to Use, but I don't set the tag number string (I enter all spaces), and this is supposed to be the setup to display channel numbers and tag comments (referring to section 5.2, “Dis...
You can find it in the system information screen or the network information screen. In the operation mode, press FUNC. The FUNC key menu appears. On the FUNC key menu, press the System info soft key or the Network info soft key. The MAC address ...
The internal flash memory is experiencing an error. Contact your dealer or Yokogawa representative for repairs.
No, even in High Speed mode, the number of input channels is the same as Normal mode. Note: In High Speed mode, the integral time of the A/D transformer is fixed at 600 Hz, and the power-line period noise rejection performance will be lowered. If mea...
Check the following items. Whether the LAN cable is correctly connected, and whether the PC's wireless LAN function is OFF. Whether the IP addresses of the recorder and PC are set. Whether you are using the latest version of DAQSTANDARD. In...
In the DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 range settings, the allowable setting range from lower limit to upper limit is -30000 to 30000 (excluding the decimal point). Change the upper or lower limit value or the decimal point to stay within that range. The decim...
Can I use DAQSTANDARD on Windows 7?
DAQSTANDARD supports Windows 7 version R8.22.01 or later. If you have an unsupported version, download and install the latest version. *Log-in Required For the license number, use the universal key. ...
Can I use DAQSTANDARD on Windows 10?
Starting with version R9.03.06, DAQSTANDARD supports Windows 10. If you have an unsupported version, download and install the latest version. *Log-in Required During installation, use license number 116-00000-8807 when prompted. ...
(1) As an example, enter the following formulas for calculating flow on MATH channel 1 and MATH channel 2. 101=TLOG.SUM(001) 102=TLOG.SUM(001) (2) MATH channel 1 resets hourly, and MATH channel 2 resets daily. To set the reset timing, select MENU ke...
You can monitor the DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 screen from Internet Explorer. Use the following steps. Set the IP address on the recorder and PC. In the recorder settings, under Basic Setting mode > Communication (Internet) > Server function, se...
Convert the signal to 1-5 VDC with the accessory 250 Ω shunt resistance (for M4 screw terminals, PN 415920)
Yes, set a delay upper-limit alarm. A delay upper-limit alarm will not engage until the measured value remains above a specified value for a specified length of time (the delay time).
Enter "^C." The caret (^) symbol is on the "6" key. (Use only a single-byte character.)
Yes. When loading settings, the difference in version is ignored.
If the number of channels and suffix codes are different, you can load the settings that are common to both instruments. For example, if you load settings from a 10 ch model onto a 20 ch model, no settings are loaded for the 11th and higher channels,...
Yes. Settings Set the input terminal mode to "DI," the range to "Level," the upper-limit alarm to "1," and the alarm output destination to "Internal switch." Set the relevant internal switch as an even...
Yes, by writing values to the recorder’s register number 409503 (memory start/stop) using Modbus communication. For instructions on Modbus communication, see“Communication Interface User’s Manual.” ...
If Auto save is On (the default), data up to the moment just before the power failure is written to the CF card after power is restored.
Recording does not take place while the power is out, but it automatically restarts when power is restored. The data before and after the power failure are saved to separate files.
Yes. In the DAQSTANDARD hardware configurator, on the menu bar, select Communication > Send. The IP address and other information is not sent. To send the IP address and other settings related to communication connections, select Communication >...
Yes, by setting the range rating mode to Scale. For example, with a K thermocouple and measured values with an input span of 0.0°C–100.0°C, to lower all temperatures by 1°C, enter the following settings. Mode: Scale Range: TC ...
The first time you log in, use the default password. You can find the default password on page 2-10, “2.2 Logging in and out” in user’s manual IM 04L41B01-05 EN for the advanced security function (/AS1). Note: That will be the defau...
There is no default password. Leave the password field blank when you log in.
Yes. In Basic setting mode, turn ON the non-detection function for alarm operation. Next, turn OFF detection on each channel and each alarm.
The data being recorded is saved at the gradually adjusted time. The time of data that are already files are not corrected.
Category classifications differ depending on the suffix codes. If neither the MATH nor custom display are added, it's category 3. If either the MATH or the custom display are added, it’s category 5.
"Display all channels" may be selected in the trend screen display settings. Select "Group display." Instructions: DISP/ENTER > Trend > Group display
Please contact your Yokogawa sales representative or dealer for information about ordering calibration certificates.
You can record 2 files, the display data and the event data. The display data records the max and min values, and the event data records the instantaneous values. However, this is not available with the advanced security option (/AS1) or Multibatch f...
The measured current of RTD is 1 mA.
Yes. Change the display orientation setting (horizontal/vertical), and then save it. See section 5.10, “Changing the screen layout, clear waveform on start setting, message display direction, waveform line width, and grid" in the user'...
During installation, use license number 116-00000-8807.
Omitting the decimal point, the values that can be set for scaling are -30000 to 30000. 350.00 exceeds the setting range, and can't be entered. In this case, set it to "0.0–350.0".
The decimal place is determined by the scale lower limit value setting. Set the decimal place in the scaling lower limit value.
This means 1 scale division of the time axis on the trend screen.
Display data: Measured data: 4 B/data; computed data: 8 B/data Event data: Measured data: 2 B/data; computed data: 4 B/data
Event data are the instantaneous values recorded at each scan interval. Display data are the maximum and minimum sampled values recorded within the display update time. For details, see the following. Display and event data files ...
Because the data type is set to display data. Display data is saved as the maximum and minimum values measured in the scan interval within the sampling interval. For details, see the following. Display and event data files ...
Can I view past display data?
Yes. Using the Historical function, you can view a historical display of data in internal memory or external media.
What is Event data?
Event data are the instantaneous values recorded at each sampling interval. They can be recorded at faster intervals than display data, and can therefore are used for analysis in greater detail.
To change the save interval for display data, change the display update interval. Note that the unit of the display update interval is "/div," and 30 data are saved per div. Thus, for a display update interval of 30 min/div, the sampling in...
30 min/div. For details, see the following. Display and event data files
Four alarms (levels) can be set per channel. You can also set the same type of alarm for different levels.
This requires the alarm output relay option (suffix code /Ax). Note that the number of contact outputs that can be added depends on the model.
Yes. Note that you can set the alarm relay output to OR or AND. By default, all alarm output terminals are set to OR, and the relay outputs if any of the assigned alarms occurs.
No, the span or scaling range cannot be exceeded.
Yes, there is an Alarm Delay function. The function activates the alarm when the alarm state continues for a specified time.
Yes. You can view the list by using the DAQSTANDARD or other software.
The channel on which the alarm occurred, the time, and other information.
Yes, with the email transmission function. When an alarm occurs, mail is sent to the specified email address.
They are non-voltage contact or open collector (TTL level, 5 V).
This is controlled based on the rising or falling edge of the remote signal. For contact input, the signal rises when the contact changes from opened to closed, and falls from closed to opened. For open collector, the collector signal rises on Hi &ra...
With the remote control option (suffix code /R1), you can write 8 messages by registering them on up to 8 contact inputs in advance.
Can I set the clock externally?
Yes, with the remote control function. This function sets the internal clock to the nearest hour (works if the current time is within 2 minutes of the hour).
Are MATH channel values recorded?
Yes. They are recorded just as with measured values.
Yes. You can display trends just as with measurement channels.
All channels at once. MATH reset also occurs on all channels.
The longest is a 24-hour interval.
Can I reset integral values?
If integrating with the TLOG calculation, you can reset it with the timer function.
This is possible if you connect a PC to the network via Ethernet and set up a PC as an FTP server. Then, set up a DX account on the FTP server so that the DX can access it. Leave the FTP server running all of the time.
Display, event, and report data files can be sent.
Using FTP client software on the PC, you can transfer or delete files on external memory media. However, you cannot access the files in internal memory.
Yes, by using the Web server display function. After connecting to the network via Ethernet, you can type the DX's URL into a web browser on the PC (Internet Explorer, etc.) and view the screen that is currently displayed on the DX in the web bro...
The update interval of the web monitor page is approximately 30 seconds.
From the web, you can access an operator page and a monitor page. On the operator page, you can switch screens from a web browser. You cannot switch screens on the monitor page.
Display data records the max and min values during the recording period. The trend screen shows a line connecting the max and min values at each point in time, making the trend display appear filled in like a bar graph.
This assumes that the data type is display data. Display data records the max and min values during the recording interval, so those are the values it refers to.
DAQSTANDARD does not have a monitoring function. Please use DAQEXPLORER (sold separately).
How do I set the IP address of the DX?
You set the IP address on the DX main unit.
Yes, by using the DX/DXAdvanced Setup File Conversion Tool. You can download it from our website. *Log-in Required
For instruments that support RoHS 10 restricted substances, see GS 04A01A01-02EN. For instruments that support RoHS 6 restricted substances, see GS 04A01A01-00EN. ...
You can download these items from the Partner Portal member site *Log-in Required. You must register (free) to use Partner Portal.
Can I record integral value data?
By adding the MATH option (suffix code /M1), you can use a TLOG-based integral function. Using this operator, you can record integral data of a certain time.


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