Einzelzellanalyse-Lösung Single Cellome™ (SU10)



Minimalinvasive Einzelzellinjektion mittels Nanopipette

Die Glaspipette (Nanopipette) der SU10 hat eine Spitzengröße von unter 100 Nanometern für minimalinvasive Injektion


Automatische Zelldetektion und -penetration

Durch Ionenstrommessung wird die Spitze der Nanopipette detektiert, sobald sich diese der Oberfläche einer Zelle nähert. Die automatische Tiefenpenetration kann bei einer Geschwindigkeit gesteuert werden, bei welcher die Zellbeschädigung minimiert wird.


Injektion mittels elektrochemischer Phänomene

Nutzung elektrochemischer Phänomene in der Spitze der Nanopipette, um Zielsubstanzen in die ausgewählte Zelle zu injizieren.


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In recent years, single-cell studies have become increasingly popular as analytical techniques have become more sensitive and widespread.
The SS2000 is a revolutionary device that can sample intracellular components and single cells using glass capillary tips with a diameter of several micrometers while performing confocal microscope imaging. These application notes introduce examples of sampling for various cell types.


The SS2000 is a revolutionary system that allows both confocal imaging and sampling of targeted intracellular components or single cells using a glass tip with an inner diameter of a few micrometers. The SS2000 includes an incubator as well as highcontent imaging functions, such as long time-lapse observation, machine learning, and label-free analysis.
The SU10 is an innovative device that delivers target substances directly into cells or into nuclei with a nanopipette that has a tip outer diameter as small as a few tens nm.
This application note shows a case study of sampling and analysis with the SS2000 from cells delivered intracellularly with the SU10.


In recent years, single-cell studies have become increasingly popular, leading to the development of instruments capable of spatial omics - the integration of samples' 3D locations and their omics data. The SS2000 is a revolutionary device that can collect intracellular components at the single-cell level and image the samples using a confocal microscope. In this application note we introduce the research performed by Dr. Okada of The University of Tokyo, who established an intra single living cell sequencing (iSC-seq) method which uses SS2000 to sample intracellular components from osteoclasts (a type of multinucleated giant cell) and analyzes them through next-generation sequencing.


In recent years, research on single cells has become increasingly popular, but with more sensitive analytical techniques, it has become possible to analyze specific intracellular components such as organelles at the single-cell level.

The SS2000 is an innovative system that can sample intracellular components at the single-cell level using a tip (glass capillary) with a diameter of several micrometers while imaging with a confocal microscope. In this application note, we introduce a case in which intracellular components were sampled by SS2000 and genetic analysis was performed by qPCR.


In recent years, single cell analysis has become increasingly popular due to the new development of advanced and high sensitivity analytical methods.
SS2000 is a revolutionary system that can sample subcellular components and a whole cell by using a glass capillary tip with an inner diameter of a few μm while imaging with a confocal microscope.
This application note provides an example of single cell RNA sequencing scRNA seq) from cells sampled by SS2000, and the data is comparable to conventional methods.


In recent years, research on single cells has become increasingly popular. With more sensitive analytical techniques, it has become possible to analyze specific intracellular components such as organelles, even at the single-cell level.
The SS2000 is an innovative system that can sample subcellular intracellular components using a glass capillary having a tip diameter of only a few micrometers while imaging with a confocal microscope.
In this application note, we introduce a case where after drug treatment, intracellular components were sampled by the SS2000 and analyzed by single-cell mass spectrometry.



YOKOGAWA will contribute to technology evolution particularly in measurement and analytical tools to help build a world where researchers will increasingly focus on insightful interpretation of data, and advancing Life Science to benefit humanity.


YOKOGAWA wird zur technologischen Entwicklung beitragen, insbesondere im Bereich der Mess- und Analysewerkzeuge, um eine Welt zu schaffen, in der sich die Forscher zunehmend auf die aufschlussreiche Interpretation von Daten konzentrieren und die Biowissenschaften zum Nutzen der Menschheit voranbringen.


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