With logging recording on the DR232 and DR242, what is the maximum number of channels I can use if the logging interval is set to 1 minute?

The maximum number of channels is 145 when channel numbers are set, and 87 when tag numbers are set.


  1. Logging interval = 1 min., single loop mode
  2. Alarm setting: None, MATH setting: None (both standard and MATH option disabled)
  3. The logging recording speed is 1 line/2 s, therefore you can record 30 lines per minute. One of these lines is time data, so recording takes place on the remaining 29 lines. The number of channels that can record on one line is 5 when the channel no. is set, or 3 when the tag no. is set. Therefore: 29×5=145, 29×3=87.


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