Geothermal power plants create electricity from geothermal energy. These power plants are similar to other steam turbine station; however their heat source is that of the earth's core. The created steam is used to turn the turbine for the production of electricity. Technologies include Dry steam, Flash steam and Binary cycle power stations with Binary cycle being the most common geothermal plant in current production. In the process of geothermal power generation the facility needs to monitor various processes, as in this case steam line pressure sits in remote from control room's location.

- Reduced installation cost (CAPEX), high gain antennas allow remote monitoring up to 5km
- Improved future flexibility & scalability with ISA100 Wireless open and scalable network design
- Minimized infrastructure with long battery life (10 years with 30sec updates), reduced maintenance costs and effort based on flexible device functionality
- Reduced patrol rounds by monitoring steam pressure measurements located 2km away from control room
To replace existing pressure gauges on production wells with wireless pressure transmitters for online monitoring back at the local control room which can be relayed to operations. Measurement points are located in dense forest where the terrain slope is 1:20 which increased the difficulty of wireless communication.
- Long Communication Range in dense forest
- Antenna propagation angle

The YFGW410 / 520 was installed neat the control room, fitted with a 6dBi antenna to enable the long communication hop to the steam. The YTA510 wireless temperature transmitter also was fitted with a remote high gain antenna to act as a repeater in order to extend the coverage of the measurement points. The EJX110B wireless pressure transmitters were directly mounted at the required measurement points. Remote antenna cables were used for Sky Mesh approach to avoid forest obstacles with angled antennas for sloping signal propagation to match the grade of the environment.
- High gain antenna provided exceptional performance where only one repeater could achieve reliable communication with gateway covering the required distance.
- Field patrol interval was extended from daily monitoring to monthly in order to verify the site status and security.
- The wireless network enabled easy expansion of additional wireless measurement points.
Yokogawa has a proven track record of delivering reliable, scalable and open technologies for a century. ISA100 wireless solutions address the specific challenges of the industrial automation industry while lowering cost ownership for our end users and maximizing their return on the investment.
Geothermal Power
Generating electricity despite the weather.
In the mid 1970s, Yokogawa entered the power business with the release of the EBS Electric Control System. Since then, Yokogawa has steadfastly continued with the development of our technologies and capabilities for providing the best services and solutions to our customers worldwide.
Yokogawa has operated the global power solutions network to play a more active role in the dynamic global power market. This has allowed closer teamwork within Yokogawa, bringing together our global resources and industry know-how. Yokogawa's power industry experts work together to bring each customer the solution that best suits their sophisticated requirements.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy helps protect the environment and brings both society and industry closer to the goal of achieving sustainability. We provide solutions for renewable energy applications worldwide, thus contributing to the sustainable development goals. In 2024, Yokogawa strengthened its commitment to innovation in the energy transition by acquiring BaxEnergy, a global leader in renewable energy software solutions. BaxEnergy serves as the digital engine driving Yokogawa's renewable energy vision, specializing in asset performance management, energy control, and data analytics.
Zugehörige Produkte & Lösungen
Drahtloser Differenzdruckmessumformer EJX110B
Der leistungsstarke drahtlose Differenzdruckmessumformer EJX110B verfügt über einen einkristallinen Siliziumsensor und eignet sich zur Messung von Flüssigkeits-, Gas- oder Dampfströmen ebenso wie zur Bestimmung von Flüssigkeitsständen, Dichte und Druck.
Drahtloser Temperaturmessumformer YTA510
Der leistungsstarke Temperaturmessumformer YTA510 kann Signale von einem Thermoelement oder Widerstandsthermometer bzw. Ohm oder DC-Millivolt aufnehmen. Messumformer dieser Baureihe übermitteln nicht nur Prozessvariablen, sondern auch die Einstellparameter mithilfe von Funksignalen. Die Messumformer werden über interne Akkus gespeist. Da somit keine feste Verkabelung erforderlich ist, können Einsparungen im Hinblick auf die Installationskosten erzielt werden. Die Kommunikation basiert auf den Spezifikationen des ISA100.11a-Protokolls.
Verwaltungsstation YFGW410 für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung
Die Verwaltungsstation YFGW410 für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung fußt auf dem Standard ISA100.11a für Funkkommunikation im Bereich der industriellen Automation, der von der International Society of Automation (ISA) entwickelt wurde. Das Produkt punktet mit verschiedenen auf ISA100.11a basierenden Funktionen und kann beispielsweise als Systemmanager, Sicherheitsmanager und Gateway eingesetzt werden. In Verbindung mit dem Zugangspunkt (YFGW510) und/oder dem Medienkonverter (YFGW610) bildet die Verwaltungsstation das System für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung.
YFGW520 Field Wireless Access Point
YFGW520 Field Wireless Access Poin has backbone router function based on ISA, and combining this with Field Wireless Management Station (YFGW410) and/or Field Wireless Media Converter (YFGW610) composes the field wireless system.
YFGW710 Field Wireless Integrated Gateway
YFGW710 Field Wireless Integrated Gateway comply to the wireless communications standard ISA100.11a for industrial automation of International Society of Automation (ISA), and relays ISA100 Device data to the system via integrated backbone router. Single unit of YFGW710 has integrated functions of backbone router, system manager, security manage, and gateway.
Drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung
Drahtloslösungen zeichnen sich durch ihre flexiblen Einsatzmöglichkeiten aus. Der Investitionsaufwand für die eigentliche Infrastruktur ist geringer. Dennoch können auf diese Weise deutlich wertvollere Einblicke in den Anlagenbetrieb gewonnen werden.