Blending plays a key role in industries such as food, healthcare and chemicals etc. Temperature and vacuum measurements are very important in minimizing the moisture content to ensure the quality of the final product. Strictly maintaining them throughout the process ensures the final product yield.
The user was using local gauges to check temperature and pressure of final product in dryer. There was no online monitoring system and therefor they used predefined time threshold for the dryer operation.
- Improved productivity, continuous online measurement of temperature and pressure ensure the quality of product.
- Enabled online measurement of rotating dryer (NO signal cables, NO power cables, NO cable damage)
- Minimized human errors
- Increased operational uptime with simple and flexible installation
- Minimized maintenance cost, non-proprietary batteries standardized for the entire product range
- Enabled easy integration with existing host system. Industry proven Modbus platform enables easy and seamless integration with a wide range of host systems.
The battery operated transmitters were mounted directly on the rotary dryer. The wireless gateway located some 50m away on a support. Even though the dryer was rotating, reliable communication was established between the transmitter and the gateway.
Eliminating the wire using ISA100 wireless transmitter was the perfect solution for rotating equipment. The ISA100 wireless system is ensuring accurate remote measurements throughout the entire process.
- Reliable - Continuous signal availability
- Accurate - Dependable sensors for measurement
- Simple - Seamless integration with existing host system
Eliminating cables, complex connectors and slide rings on rotating equipment greatly simplified the whole installation and process. The ISA100 wireless transmitter and the gateway fulfilled this mission and had delivered real productive gains for the user. Ongoing maintenance effort and cost were also reduced by the wireless architecture.
Yokogawa has a proven track record of delivering reliable, scalable and open technologies for a century. ISA100 wireless solutions address the specific challenges of the industrial automation industry while lowering cost ownership for our end users and maximizing their return on the investment.
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Drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung
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