Current Situation and Issues
The Throughput in a Mining Operation Is Directly Proportional to the Conveyor Belt Systems Performance
Sometimes, the roller has the difficulty to rotate (mainly due to a bearing failure and the constant friction between the roller and rubber belts) often resulting in a fire occurrences. In that case, the plant has to stop production in long term, which causes catastrophic damage to the management. Hence, continuous monitoring of all rollers temperature is required to prevent fire and minimize downtime.
Manual/route-based monitoring with IR thermal inspections
The onset of temperature spikes cannot be predicted.
It could happen after the route has been completed. Also, some areas of the conveyor belt maybe in unsafe places.
Install wireless point sensors at given points
Only a partial health status visibility of the assets within the plant.
Initial cost and running cost increase when a number of wireless point sensors are installed.
Convectional linear heat detector
It can detect when fire-accident actually happens by the short circuit of twisted pair metal wire with melted outer. It can’t prevent fire and locate the location of fire.
They should aspire to move towards digitalizing the inspection and maintenance processes.
YOKOGAWA's DTSX Solution and Benefits
- Ability to monitor long and wide conveyor belts in real-time.
- HMI graphical drawings enable excellent visibility for operators.
- Centralized monitoring and diagnostics permits failure prediction.
- 7-10x lower downtime and 70% OPEX savings compared to reactive and proactive monitoring models.
Comparison of downtime periods for each maintenance way
The Integrated Conveyor belt Monitoring Solution
Features of Optical Fiber Sensing in DTSX System
Temperature distribution monitored every 1 m
- Monitoring distance : to 50 km
- Monitoring temperature : -200 to 300 °C
- Shortest monitoring cycle : Approx. 5 seconds
- Temperature resolution : 0.03 °C
*: each specification dependent on conditions
Main Features
- 24 hours a day, 365 days a year monitoring even in wide areas and ordinarily non-manned areas
- Power supply not required, explosion-proof, not affected by electromagnetic noise
- Flexible installation
- High compatibility with DCS and other host systems (Modbus / TCP)
Customer Case Studies
Quick implementation of new conveyor belt fire detection system
The customer had implemented a Linear Heat Detector (LHD) to detect fires, however the maximum coverage length was 3kms and was furthermore unable to precisely locate the position of fire.
Eventually, the customer came across an unexpected fire accident and needed to replace a fire detection system very quickly.
Yokogawa performed a quick site feasibility study, implemented the DTSX solution with no lead time, and acquired the customer’s firm trust.

Realize managing bioleaching in vast Copper Mines
Bioleaching is a popular organic process to extract metal from low-grade ores. The organic process involves the application of bacteria, which loses its effectiveness at very high and low temperature extremes. The challenge was to measure the thermal profile of phreatic level over a vast area. As it was difficult to measure temperature over a long distance using traditional electronic based measurement, The customer selected Yokogawa’s DTSX. The solution provided a high resolution temperature profile with no need of specialized knowledge. 24/7 access to temperature data from a HMI panel allowed the customer to take necessary actions to adjust temperature levels.

* Some graphs and images are quoted from the eBook ("Digitalize Conveyor Belt Monitoring") created by Frost & Sullivan.
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Contact UsIndustrien
Iron & Steel
In the iron and steel industry, it is crucial to improve the quality of not only products but also manufacturing and operation technologies, as well as to address environmental and energy-efficiency issues. Yokogawa helps customers to create the ideal plant and evolves with them for mutual growth.
Mining & Metal
Mining operations produces valuable minerals or geological materials from the Earth. Economical recovery often requires high throughput and high availability of the process with low operation costs, and stringent safety and environmental regulations.
In the mid 1970s, Yokogawa entered the power business with the release of the EBS Electric Control System. Since then, Yokogawa has steadfastly continued with the development of our technologies and capabilities for providing the best services and solutions to our customers worldwide.
Yokogawa has operated the global power solutions network to play a more active role in the dynamic global power market. This has allowed closer teamwork within Yokogawa, bringing together our global resources and industry know-how. Yokogawa's power industry experts work together to bring each customer the solution that best suits their sophisticated requirements.
Pulp & Paper
The paper and pulp industry is highly competitive and must meet ever-changing market needs. Yokogawa helps realize energy-efficient plants which are globally sustainable.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy helps protect the environment and brings both society and industry closer to the goal of achieving sustainability. We provide solutions for renewable energy applications worldwide, thus contributing to the sustainable development goals. In 2024, Yokogawa strengthened its commitment to innovation in the energy transition by acquiring BaxEnergy, a global leader in renewable energy software solutions. BaxEnergy serves as the digital engine driving Yokogawa's renewable energy vision, specializing in asset performance management, energy control, and data analytics.
Zugehörige Produkte & Lösungen
DTSX1 Faseroptischer Wärmemelder
Der DTSX1 schützt Ihre Anlagen und Geräte vor einer auffälligen Wärmeentwicklung. Alle erforderlichen Funktionen für die Wärmemessung sind in nur einer Box. Die Messung erfolgt mit einem Glasfaserkabel, welches eine schnelle Branderkennung in einem großen Bereich ermöglicht.
DTSX200 [Ausführung für mittlere Distanzen]
Das DTSX200 ist ein einfach zu integrierendes Glasfaser-Sensorsystem, das auf einer Prozesssteuerungsplattform aufgebaut ist.
DTSX3000 [Ausführung für lange Distanzen]
Das DTSX3000 ist für konventionelle und unkonventionelle Öl- und Gasbohrungsanwendungen, LNG- und Raffinerieanlagen, die Pipeline- und Tankleckagedetektion sowie für andere Anwendungen, die eine thermische Überwachung erfordern, ausgelegt.
System zur faseroptischen Temperaturmessung - Branderkennung/Brandschutz -
Durch unsere Technologie fungiert das faseroptische Kabel selbst als Temperatursensor.
Da es die Temperaturverteilung über eine weite Distanz und einen großen Bereich misst, erkennt es auch partielle Temperaturveränderungen. Es eignet sich daher nicht nur für den Einsatz in der Anlage, sondern auch in Außenbereichen, die eine Temperaturüberwachung erfordern.