Delayed Coker is a type of coker who's process consists of heating residual oil feed to its thermal cracking temperature in a furnace. The most important variable in industrial furnace control is temperature. Temperature is measured throughout the furnace in different zones and temperature effects the materials being manufactured and therefore must be precisely monitored to prevent deviations in quality of the final product.

- Minimized plant startup time and downtime
- Improved product quality, continuous temperature monitoring leads to improvement of the product quality
- Reduced maintenance effort (NO wires, NO routing problems, NO cable maintenance issue)
- Optimized fuel consumption and reduced operation cost (OPEX)
- Reduced total power consumption, low power consumption devices enable cost savings
- Enabled easy integration with existing host system, industry proven Modbus platform enables easy and seamless integration with a wide range of host systems
Coker tube furnace is the heart of the delayed coking process. The heater provides all the heat in the process. The output temperature of the furnace is typically around 500 degree C.
- Temperature monitoring is required due to the following reasons:
- Coker furnaces are designed to have a constantly rising temperature gradient to reach the thermal cracking temperature quickly and thus optimize the fuel consumption.
- The burners are controlled by the measurement of tube temperatures.
- The furnace needs to be decoked or cleaned. Continuous operation of the cork drum forms a layer of insulation on the inner lining of the tubes resulting in the variation of temperature on the coke drum skin.
- Delayed coking is one of the processes used in many refineries. Depending on the capacity, number of coke drums in operation varies from 4 to 8. Each coke drum will require up to 24 temperature points to be monitored.
Three YTMX580 multi input temperature transmitters were installed. Each of these accepts 8 temperature inputs and it reduces the quantity of transmitters required to only 3 on each coke drum. Field wireless access point was installed on the control room located 600m from the measurement area with dense obstructions. Two repeaters were used to establish redundant communication paths between the measurement devices and the field wireless access point. The field wireless management station was integrated with 3rd party host system using RS485 series Modbus communication.
The ISA100 wireless system provides an easy customizable GUI with deterministic topology monitoring for the operator. It identifies the wireless condition such as error rate of both primary and secondary communication paths to visualize communication quality.
- Wireless solutions enabled reduction of huge bundles of cable running from the field to the control room.
- High capacity Lithium Thionyl battery powered devices enabled savings in OPEX with proven battery life of better than 1.6 years with an update time of 10 sec for the temperature measurements (eight inputs).
- Industry proven Modbus platform enabled easy integration with existing 3rd party host systems.
- Wider application coverage ISA100 wireless minimized infrastructure which reduces installation time and expense, this is reflected as direct savings to the users.
- Best in class signal availability of ISA100 wireless architecture with stable wireless connections proved to be a trustworthy wireless solution, perfectly meeting the user requirements.
- Maintainable topology reduced the cost of ownership and enabled more points to be added as necessary in the future.
Yokogawa has a proven track record of delivering reliable, scalable and open technologies for a century. ISA100 wireless solutions address the specific challenges of the industrial automation industry while lowering cost ownership for our end users and maximizing their return on the investment.
Oil & Gas Downstream
The oil & gas downstream industry has been facing an increasing number of challenges in recent years. These include the changing characteristics of the feedstock to be processed, aging of process facilities and equipment, rising cost of energy, lack of skilled plant operators who can run a refinery safely and efficiently, and the ever-changing requirements from both the market and the customer.
Over the years, Yokogawa has partnered with many downstream companies to provide industrial solutions focused on solving these challenges and problems. Yokogawa's VigilantPlant solutions have helped plant owners to achieve maximum profitability and sustainable safety within their plants.
In the ever changing marketplace, refineries are seen not only as crude processing units but also as profit centers. At the same time, there is a keen awareness of the need for safety at such facilities. A total production solution that encompasses planning, scheduling, management, and control is required to achieve long-term goals for profitability, efficiency, and environmental protection. With years of expertise in the automation field, Yokogawa can bring you affordable total solutions for improved operability and a cleaner world.
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Drahtloser Temperaturmessumformer YTA510
Der leistungsstarke Temperaturmessumformer YTA510 kann Signale von einem Thermoelement oder Widerstandsthermometer bzw. Ohm oder DC-Millivolt aufnehmen. Messumformer dieser Baureihe übermitteln nicht nur Prozessvariablen, sondern auch die Einstellparameter mithilfe von Funksignalen. Die Messumformer werden über interne Akkus gespeist. Da somit keine feste Verkabelung erforderlich ist, können Einsparungen im Hinblick auf die Installationskosten erzielt werden. Die Kommunikation basiert auf den Spezifikationen des ISA100.11a-Protokolls.
Temperaturmessumformer YTMX580 mit mehreren Eingängen
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Verwaltungsstation YFGW410 für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung
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YFGW520 Field Wireless Access Point
YFGW520 Field Wireless Access Poin has backbone router function based on ISA, and combining this with Field Wireless Management Station (YFGW410) and/or Field Wireless Media Converter (YFGW610) composes the field wireless system.
Zugangspunkt YFGW510/YFGW520 für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung
Der Zugangspunkt YFGW510/YFGW520 für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung fußt auf dem Standard ISA100.11a für Funkkommunikation im Bereich der industriellen Automation, der von der International Society of Automation (ISA) entwickelt wurde. Das Produkt kann basierend auf ISA als Backbone-Router eingesetzt werden. In Verbindung mit der Verwaltungsstation (YFGW410) und/oder dem Medienkonverter (YFGW610) bildet der Zugangspunkt das System für die drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung.
Drahtlose Feldinstrumentierung
Drahtloslösungen zeichnen sich durch ihre flexiblen Einsatzmöglichkeiten aus. Der Investitionsaufwand für die eigentliche Infrastruktur ist geringer. Dennoch können auf diese Weise deutlich wertvollere Einblicke in den Anlagenbetrieb gewonnen werden.