Sustainability Reports

The Yokogawa Sustainability Report discloses the annual results of major social and environmental activities, as well as introducing our efforts and progress toward achieving the Three Goals.

2023 Yokogawa Sustainability Report (Latest version)

Yokogawa Group Sustainability Report 2023 EN


  • Introduction
    Message from the President
    Yokogawa Business Overview
          Extensive Achievements and Transformation
    Stakeholder Engagement
  • Our Goals
    Sustainability Goals “Three goals”
    Six Contribution Areas
    Setting Contribution Areas Based on Materiality Analysis
    Indicators for Six Contribution Areas (Social Impact Indicators)
    Indicators for Six Contribution Areas (Business Activity Indicators)
  • Our Stories
    Our Stories of Growing our Businesses and Contributing to Society
    1. Achieving Carbon Neutrality
    2. Improving Efficiency in Society & Industry
    3. Optimizing Plant Lifecycle & Protecting Environment
    4. Improving Health & Safety
    5. Creating a Resource-Recycling Ecosystem
    6. Creating Workplaces Where People Can Fulfill Their Potential
    Climate Risks and Opportunities (Response to TCFD)
    Biodiversity-related Disclosure (Response to TNFD)
  • Social
    Human Resource Management
    Safe and Comfortable Work Environment
    Respect for Human Rights
    Community Engagement
  • Environment
    Environmental Management
    Environmental Practices
    Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction
    Environmental Initiatives at Business Facilities
  • Governance
    Sustainability Governance
    Risk Management
    Code of Conduct and Compliance
    Supply Chain Management
    Information Security
    Quality Assurance
  • Information
    Sustainability Data
    Third-party Verification
    Company Profile / Editorial Policy

2022 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

2021 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

2020 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

2019 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

2018 Yokogawa Sustainability Report

2017 Sustainability Report

2016 CSR Report

2015 CSR Report

2014 CSR Report

2013 CSR Report

2012 CSR Report

2010 CSR Report

Yokogawa Group CSR Report 2010

Yokogawa Group CSR Report 2009

Yokogawa Group CSR Report 2008

Yokogawa Group CSR Report 2007

Yokogawa Group Sustainability Report 2006

Yokogawa Group Environmental Management Report 2005

Yokogawa Group Environmental Report 2004

Yokogawa Group Environmental Report 2003

Yokogawa Group Environmental Report 2002

Yokogawa Group Environmental Report 2001

Yokogawa Group Environmental Report 2000

Yokogawa Environmental Report 1999
